If you are considering donating we will use your financial giving towards furthering our Vision to reflect God’s love in the community of Fareham and our Mission to practise our faith together by reaching out, sharing what we have and partnering with others for the common good. Thank you.
Regular Giving
This is best done using a Direct Debit regular payment from your bank account. This is done via the national Church of England Parish Giving Scheme. An explanation of this scheme is here. If this is best for you, please use the step-by-step guide for new donors via this link.
Holy Trinity Floodlighting Sponsorship
Since 2000, Holy Trinity Church has been floodlit during the hours of darkness. This lighting can be ‘sponsored’ by contacting the Parish Office. A note will then appear in that week’s Notice Sheet (or sponsorship can be anonymous if preferred). Notes from sponsors can celebrate a birth, marriage or other milestones. Quite often, sponsorship is in memory of an anniversary of death. As space is limited, please provide as much notice as possible to avoid disappointment.
Gift Aid
For many years, UK tax payers have been able to make donations (one-off and regular giving) with added Gift Aid – 25% automatically being added by HMRC. Please give with a Gift Aid Declaration if you are eligible to do so. You can find the Gift Aid Form here. You will then need to send it to our Gift Aid Coordinator, Rowena Palmer via giftaid@htscf.org.uk
One-off Donations
If you wish to make a one-off donation, there are several options:-
via PayPal
You can also donate on givealittle or by scanning this QR Code.
Via regular online shopping. We have an EasyFundraising account, where a number of retailers donate to our Parish every time you shop online through their portal.
Last but not least, donations can be handed into our Parish Office. Please put cash or cheque made payable to “PCC Holy Trinity Church” – in an envelope marked “Treasurer – donation”.