A funeral is a unique opportunity to come together after a friend or family member has died, to give thanks for their life, to express grief and commend the person to God’s keeping. They can be simple, quiet services or large celebratory occasions. In church, there is the opportunity to choose whatever is wanted, and to take whatever time is needed.
The priest who will lead the service for you will spend time with those making the arrangements. Together you can plan the service, share something of the life that has ended and the family and friends that are left behind. With the insight of experience, our priest can offer suggestions and help put together a special service, to fit with whatever is needed.
We provide a ‘Welcomer’ from our congregation who will take care of the practical details on the day. We provide music, a warm welcome and time. There will be prayers, reflection, music and blessing. There is often humour amongst the tears and a feeling that a satisfying service has been created in order to share the goodbyes together.
The funeral service is usually followed by either a cremation or burial, which our priest will also conduct. Sometimes just the immediate family attend this last ceremony, whilst the larger number of mourners socialise at a nearby location, or maybe in the hall attached to our churches.
We offer bereavement support after funerals and will invite the immediate family and friends to join us in our regular memorial services, often around All Souls Day in November. We hope all those who attend a funeral in our churches will always feel welcome to return at any time.
Local undertakers work closely with grieving families, our parish office and our team of priests. There is always a lot to arrange after someone close to us has died so please speak to your Funeral Director about a church funeral service and they can contact us on your behalf. Otherwise, please feel free to call our Parish Office on 01329 232688.
Memorial Services

Sometimes, a Memorial Service after a private funeral feels like a really good option. These can be large or small gatherings, to celebrate the life of a special person in the lives of those left behind.
We can help you to plan a bespoke service on the same day as a funeral, or some time later. If you would like to explore this option, please contact our Parish Office where one of our administration team will be happy to put you in touch with one of our priests.
Together, you can plan a Memorial Service that is fitting for you and your situation. To contact us please call 01329 232688.