
The Parish of Holy Trinity with St Columba is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children within our church community, and also to encouraging an environment where all people and especially those who may be vulnerable are able to worship and pursue their faith journey with encouragement and in safety.

We also follow the Diocese of Portsmouth Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and the national legal and procedural framework for safeguarding children and adults.

Our Safeguarding Representative is responsible for following and implementing the Diocesan policy in respect of safeguarding children and adults. The role of the Parish Safeguarding Representative has a number of key responsibilities which is outlined in the Diocesan Safeguarding Guide.

Please visit the Diocese of Portsmouth website for further information on safeguarding, including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advises our clergy and Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO).

Emma Bourner



If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer on the following email address:

Any allegations or suspicions of abuse must also be directed immediately to the Officer for Safeguarding.

If you have immediate concern about the safety of someone, please call the Police immediately on 999.  You can also call your local authority Children or Adults Services.

  • Hampshire Children Services: 0300 555 1384
  • Hampshire Adult Services: 0300 555 1386. (Out of hours: 0300 555 1373)
  • For deaf access Text 999
  • Or Emergency Minicomputer Text Relay on 18000 – (You must be registered to use this service)

A copy of the signed Statement of Safeguarding Principles is available to view.

Signed Statement

A full copy of the most recent Safeguarding Policy and Procedures is available to download.

Parish Safeguarding Handbook

Parish Safeguarding Policy