What kind of people do we aspire to be for God? We enjoy worship together and treasure our Church community, but we want to engage beyond our congregations with the wider world, serving others generously. This is our Mission statement.
As a faith community dedicated to cherishing in word and in action; we have gone on to formalise our five Values. These Values are practical, working values, against which we will strive to measure our aspirations, our direction and our prayerful actions.
Our Mission
To practice our faith together by reaching out, sharing what we have and partnering with others for the common good.

So how do we put these Values into practise? We cherish St Columba Academy, delivering learning packs during 2020/21 school closures and Christmas hampers families in need. We are changing our worship patterns to better meet the needs of our community, despite the discomfort of leaving traditional ways. We established an emergency Fund to support our neighbours in Fareham, Portsmouth and in County Durham. These initiatives are led and supported by our congregations and clergy working together, to be God’s people reaching out.