

Confirmation can be an important part of a lifetime journey of faith, as a follower of Jesus Christ. It is a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptized or christened. If this was when you were a child, your parents and godparents made these promises on your behalf. As a young person or adult, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ. At a confirmation service, you make promises for yourself. Your friends and family as well as the local Christian community will be there to promise to support and pray for you.

If you haven’t yet been baptised, this is usually conducted first, as part of a combined baptism and confirmation service. The local Bishop will lay their hands on your head and ask God’s Holy Spirit to give you the strength and commitment to live God’s way for the rest of your life.

There is no right age for a person to be confirmed. They have to be old enough to make the promises for themselves (so over 10 years of age usually) but you’re never too old! There will usually be some formal preparation for Confirmation, either as a small group or individually with your local priest. This is a time to explore your faith and a safe space to ask any questions about God, Jesus and the journey of faith.

After Confirmation, you continue to go along to church regularly, joining in worship and prayer and sharing in Holy Communion.

If you’d like to explore the idea of confirmation, please contact the Parish Office in the first instance (01329 232688), or speak to a member of the clergy.